Travel Photography from Romania
Romania has some great undiscovered landscapes. Old rustic farms to rolling hills of green merge to unfold a world from yesteryear. All surrounded by beautiful pine forest.
Romania Travel Photography
December 21, 1989 saw the capital of Romania, Bucharest fall into a revolution as then President Nicolae Ceausescu
felt the wrath of the Romanian people. City after city broke down as the people called for the end of his regime.
Ceau?escu fled to different residences via helicopter over the next few days. Only to be finally captured under charges of illegal plunder and genocide. A short trial was held, and both Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife were executed on December 25th 1989.
Bran Stoker never knew about this place. But, Vlad Tepes, the man Stoker based the Dracula character on did, once, stay here. Maybe.
I’ll be the first one to admit that I was disappointed at this castle. It is more of a tower than a castle. A museum to Queen Marie is inside, and there are no Vlad references.
That said, outside you will be subjected to countless touts selling Dracula souvenirs.
Don’t worry though, coming up soon on FotoArk will be a real castle from Romania where I am sure Vlad really did stay. And yes, it’s gothic!