Photography Places

Techno colored chickens from Pakistan

Colored Chickens in Pakistan
A box of colored Chickens in Pakistan

Travel Photography from Pakistan:

A bright yellow baby chicken is not an uncommon sight. But what about a neon pink or orange? In Pakistan this is also quite normal!

In many markets you will see brightly colored chicks waiting to be sold. Even brightly painted eggs. It’s not a way of marking them out either.

The answer is quite simple. To make them more attractive to buyers. Brightly colored chickens are more likely to sell than ordinary chickens. So says the market seller.

I’ve seen this in a few places, but not to the extent of neon glowing colors being used. That said, it must work!

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Photography Places Poland

Genocide memorial in Auschwitz-Birkenau, Poland

Genocide memorial in Auschwitz-Birkenau
Genocide memorial in Auschwitz-Birkenau

Travel Photography from Poland

In the woods behind the concentration camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau is something very ominous. Black marble headstones are places in various areas around the area. They mark the spots where the Nazi’s tried to dump the ash from all the bodies they where incinerating.

Used as fertilizer much of it was shipped away to farms. The rest dumped in to fields around the camp. Here ash from human remains was dumped into ponds of water.

Iran Photography Places

Tower of Silent Death

Towers of Silence in Iran
Tower of Silence in Iran

Towers of Silence are the name given to raised structures used by Zoroastrians for exposing their dead to the elements. In this case, the sun and birds.

Here just outside of Yazd in Iran in one of two ancient Zoroastrian towers of silence. No longer used, you can climb up and inside the tower.

Inside the tower there is pit, where a body would be laid to rest. The sun would aid in its decomposing. At the same time birds would come down and eat away on the body.

A local told be when this ritual was being preformed, it wasn’t unheard of to have the odd human bone drop from the sky!

India People Photography

Cold water seller in India

Cold water seller, India
Cold water seller, India

Travel Photography from India

India can get hot. When it does you will never be far away from a man selling cold drinks. In this case it’s one of the rare places where you can buy cold water and no fizzy drinks.

This man is selling plain water, soda water and the ever popular lemon soda.

Photography Places Poland

Concentration camp barracks at Auschwitz

Barracks at Auschwitz
Concentration camp barracks at Auschwitz-Birkenau

Travel Photography from Poland

It’s cold, start and callus. It was worse in the day. Hundred crammed into one barracks. Three to four or more to a bunk bed.

Many of these have been rebuilt as the Nazi’s did their best to destroy them, and the evidence at the end of the war.

In the background you can see the remain chimneys where these barracks used to stand. Fields upon fields of them.

Hungary Photography Places

Tram in downtown Budapest, Hungary

Tram in downtown Budapest Hungary
Tram in downtown Budapest Hungary

Travel Photography from Hungary:

Trams are popular in many European countries. Budapest boasted an excellent metro underground, plus a very good tram above ground. The many problems are that for a tourist, the systems to use both can be confusing, and they fine if you have not bought the right ticket.

A deep flaw in a tourist capital city. The regulations change frequently, so be advised to check out the rules and regulations before going.

People Philippines Photography

Local children that live on a tiny island in The Philippines

Children on Camiguin The Philippines
Children on Camiguin Island The Philippines

Travel Photography from The Philippines:

Camiguin island is a small volcanic island just of the northern coast of Mindanao. Fabled for it’s many small volcanoes and fresh water springs, the island has a small population.

All round the main island are much smaller island. Here are two children that live on one.

China People Photography

The Terracotta Army from Xi’an China

Terracotta Army in Xian
Terracotta Army in Xian

Travel Photography from China

The terracotta army is based in Xi’an. Discovered in 1974 over 7,000 solders have been uncovered. Each solider has their own unique face making the Terracotta army one of the worlds most valuable & historical works of art. While most of the arm is on show there are still vast areas in the complex still not uncovered.

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People Photography Tibet

Red Buddha from Tibet

Red Buddha statue in Tibet
Red Buddha statue in Tibet

Travel Photography from Tibet:

Monasteries are everywhere in Tibet. And, in each Monastery you will find room after room of Buddha statues. Each one looking different from the last.

Sadly in Tibet it’s very difficult to get information about each statue beyond the basics. What is important, is to try and record as much as possible before it’s too late.

While Buddhism is still practiced, it’s done so with imported books from China. The old libraries of century old books now house surprisingly new ones. Rewritten with a different version of history.

If you manage a trip to Tibet, bring you’ll be surrounded by statues like this nearly everywhere you go. My advise, photograph them as they too may disappear one day.

Iran Photography Places

Ruins of the Blue Mosque in Iran

Ruins of the Blue mosque in Tabriz Iran
Ruins of the Blue mosque in Tabriz Iran

Travel Photography from Iran

Built in 1465 A.D and flattened to a crumbling heap during an earthquake in 1779. It took until 1973 before restoration finally began on this.

The mosque was built by Jahan Shah the ruler of Kara Koyunlu dynasty which controlled Persia, Azerbaijan and Turkey. Tabriz would become the capital of his Kingdom.

If you visit the mosque today, you will see great chunks of broken stone, tile and wall. But they are not scattered. Each one is numbered, and each one has been painstakingly sketched.

Visiting the blue mosque may not wow, you with it’s size nor beauty. But chanced are you will come across many people at work restoring this mosque. From, painters, to masons all the way to sculptures. That in itself is worth the visit.